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  • TaNikka Sheppard

Your Dream is Jealous

As a busy woman with numerous roles and responsibilities, there are times when my work, family obligations, international leadership positions, and business endeavors pull me in various directions. Essentially, each of them deserves and requires a great amount of my time and energy. Therefore, the things that often get moved to “the backburner” are my personal goals and aspirations.

Recently, during my time in meditation this simple, yet profound, realization came to me - your dream is jealous. It envies all of your other commitments that take precedence.

If you are reading this and you have a very demanding life, or if you often feel disillusioned and disconnected from your purpose… YOUR dream may feel the same way.

Please consider these four important reminders:

  1. Your dream has been specially endowed by God and it seeks an intimate relationship with your destiny. All of your other obligations are important. Yet, your dream is begging to become a priority so that it has the opportunity to truly live and be fulfilled.

  1. Your dream feels neglected because it hasn’t had the quality time that it needs with you. Changing this takes discipline and sacrifice. It’s necessary (not selfish) to prioritize your dream in your schedule and dedicate fresh energy and renewed efforts to it on a regular basis.

  1. Your dream is not getting any younger. It sits in the shadows of your soul screaming to be unleashed. If you keep setting it aside, one day its voice will diminish to a whisper and you will find it out of reach.

  1. Your dream needs you NOW… not tomorrow or next week. Do not allow distractions, procrastination, or the demands from others to extinguish its existence. You have some hard “no’s” ahead, but the “yes” to your dream will bless you and others for years to come.

At some point in the past you promised to bring your dream to life. Can it trust you to keep your word? If the answer is “yes”, let Sheppard Leadership Solutions help you develop a strategy and a plan for moving forward.

You have the “what”, let us help you with the “how”.

Visit our "Experience" page -

for more information on the coaching, consulting and support services that we offer, which will help you bring your dreamsto reality.

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1 Comment

otis jones
otis jones
Aug 19, 2020

The Your Dream is Jealous truly inspired and challenged me. It was also on time!!!! I am also elevating my belief in myself. I believe that when I belief in myself, then I can believe in my dreams and my dream can believe that I will invest the time needed to make them a reality. I'm so excited!! Let's do this!!!

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